Date a Live Season 3 Ep 1 Kiss-anime

Date a Live Season 3 Ep 1 Kiss-anime

Alert1.png Spoiler Warning: This commodity/section contains details about future plot lines described in the low-cal novels, not covered in the anime. Do not proceed unless you want to be spoiled.
Reine Murasame
Kanji 村雨 令音
Romaji Murasame Reine
Age Under xxx
Status Deceased
Gender Female
Height 164 cm
Blood Type O
Species Spirit
Hair Colour Pale Blue
Heart Color Blue
Nicknames Phantom
Personal Status
Relatives Mio Takamiya (Original Self)
  • Fraxinus Analysis Officer
  • Physics Teacher
Novel Debut Volume i
Anime Debut Episode 1
Japanese Aya Endou
English Barrett Nash

Reine Murasame ( 村雨 むらさめ れい , Murasame Reine ? ) is the Head Analyst aboard Fraxinus and a not-certified medic who can perform simple first aid tasks. It is revealed in Book 16 that she is the enigmatic entity known every bit Phantom (ファントム, Fantomu ? ).


Reine is a highly intelligent and rational woman. She is the Analysis Officer of the Fraxinus's crew and the assistant homeroom teacher of Shido'southward classroom. She is likewise the simply member that could exist considered "normal" amid the Fraxinus's weird crew. Reine likewise acts as an unofficial aide to Kotori Itsuka, the commander of Fraxinus, due to the fact that the vice-commander acts like an idiot nigh of the time or is ignored past Kotori for being an idiot.

Cute and intelligent, her only flaw is being slumber deprived, since she doesn't seem to sleep much. Reine transfers into Shido's school,Raizen High Schoolhouse as the school's new physics teacher when Shido joined Ratatoskr. Reine normally gives the all-time advice or opinions out of Ratatoskr's crew during both the Fraxinus crew'southward operations to seal Spirits and normal circumstances.


Reine is unarguably a beautiful woman with pale skin. She yet looks to exist in her 20s, despite maxim that she hasn't slept in 30 years. She has long, unkempt, pale blue hair which is tied into a right-side ponytail and blueish eyes which seems to always be sleepy. Her most distinct feature is the pair of dark circles beneath her eyes. She wears a pair of spectacles with a round frame. Her top is 164 cm, and her three sizes are B95/W63/H89.

She is unremarkably or always seen with a small blue teddy conduct that fits in her breast pocket. During her duty on Fraxinus, she wears <Ratatoskr>'s compatible, while as a Physics teacher at Shido'southward schoolhouse, she wears a long white lab coat over a pink shirt with a rather low V-neck collar, purple miniskirt, a pair of black stockings, and a pair of bluish teddy bear slippers. She also wears a small silvery ring on her silverish chain necklace.

When disguised as <Phantom>, Reine typically surrounds herself with some sort of mosaic that, while people can see and hear her, makes it incommunicable for people to determine her appearance or the audio of her voice. When talking with Shido after he traveled back in time, she temporarily took on the course of Rinne Sonogami, something which she described as using "another shape".

During her brief fight against Kurumi, Reine equips an Astral Wearing apparel reminiscent of the one worn by her original self Mio Takamiya. The dress has a translucent color like water droplets and has a noticeable slit that shows off her left leg. The dress itself is decorated with flowers and golden jewelry. Large strands of textile that are shaped similar leaves tin can as well exist seen extending out from the Astral Clothes.


Reine is a very logical, reasonable, and mature adult female. Surprisingly plenty, and despite her usual cold demeanor, she has proven countless times to exist a very sensitive, considerate and understanding person. She is quick witted plenty to conform to the sudden appearance of the Yamai sisters and seamlessly integrate them into her grade field trip without raising suspicions from others. She's also adept at giving advice and coaching Shido during his dates with the Spirits, even Kotori seems to take her advice well.

Reine is very good with treatment children as when Natsumi turned everyone but Shido into children she was able to calm them all instantly. She has also displayed this skill towards Shido himself, calming him downward after he recognized Kotori every bit a Spirit. Shido himself stated that she is similar a mother, which she seems to react to in a strange way.

She has a tendency to faint suddenly due to her suffering from sleep impecuniousness. Despite using extensive sleep medication, Reine is extremely insomniac, with herself remarking that she hasn't slept in 30 years. The cause for this is revealed to acquired by PTSD, with her suffering from repeated nightmares of Shinji'south death every fourth dimension she tries to become to slumber.

While Reine is unremarkably calm and collected, there are rare occasions where she shows anger. These instances are rare enough that Kotori had never seen her angry until the events of Volume three, when Reine showed her Mana's trunk had been heavily modified to requite her an abnormal strength at the toll of lowering her remaining lifespan to 10 years.

When bearded as <Phantom>, she retains her at-home and analytic personality, easily deducing that Origami traveled in time solely from her possession of Metatron, which she hadn't given abroad yet. Here, she appears to accept a goal orientated mindset focused on the fulfillment of something that she describe every bit her wish. To that end, she has turned several humans into Spirits using Sephira Crystals. To practise this, <Phantom> has shown to be willing to use several underhanded tactics. When she turned Kotori into a spirit, she preyed on her want to terminate being a crybaby. When she turned Miku into a spirit, she used her hatred of humanity (specially of men) and her despair for losing her voice. When she turned Origami into a Spirit, she used her desire to obtain power. <Phantom> neglected to mention what Sephira Crystals would exactly do to them. It seems that Shido also fits into her plans somehow, equally implied by both Westcott and her deportment. She likewise doesn't appear to like the codename given to her by Ratatoskr, as seen by her displeased reaction when Shido called her by information technology.

<Phantom> appears to evaluate a person based on their potential as a future Spirit. To that cease, she has been looking for talented people to turn them into Spirits. After the Origami from the future attacked the <Phantom> from v years ago and was able to remove her dissonance, <Phantom> noted to herself that she couldn't think of not turning a girl with so much talent into a Spirit, despite knowing that she would plough against her 1 twenty-four hours.



5 years earlier the beginning of the series Reine, while in her <Phantom> disguise, appeared out of nowhere in forepart of Kotori, who was crying over how both of her parents and her brother were not with her despite information technology being her birthday. <Phantom> asked her what was wrong, but Kotori, who was told non to talk to strangers and was scared because she couldn't make out <Phantom>'s advent. <Phantom> so told her that she was afraid of her blood brother abandoning her because she was always a crybaby, once again getting Kotori'due south attention because she was seemingly reading her mind. <Phantom> then offered Kotori a red Sephira Crystal and told her that it would make her stop beingness a crybaby. Kotori touched the gem, which was then immediately captivated into her and turned into Spirit with the ability to control burn down.

<Phantom> then disappeared merely equally Kotori'due south new powers rapidly went out of control and destroyed the neighborhood. After Kotori accidentally injured her older brother, Shido, who had just returned to her, <Phantom> reappeared in front of her and told her that if she kisses her brother, she will be able to save his life. Kotori did what she was told and kissed Shido, about of the flames that immediately disappeared and the rest started to heal his wounds. Later he was fully recovered, Shido moved in front end of Kotori to protect her from <Phantom>, but <Phantom> assured them that she had no intention of harming them. <Phantom> told them that the ending they brought out was the best case scenario, but that it may be meliorate to forget about this blow for now. She so placed both of her hands on their heads and erased their memories.

A few years later, <Phantom> appeared once again. This time in the presence of Miku Izayoi, who was thinking of committing suicide after her career equally a vocalizer had been ruined considering of imitation rumors. Noting Miku's disappointment in humans, <Phantom> offered Miku a violet Sephira Crystal and told her that it would give her a god-like power that volition modify everything back in her favor. Miku accepted the gem and when she touched it, and it was instantly absorbed into her torso and transformed her into a Spirit. [ane]

Powers and Abilities

Reine has the power to disguise herself every bit <Phantom> by surrounding her advent with a strange racket that also alters her phonation. The mosaic disguise itself can human activity equally a bulwark to defend herself from attacks. To wit, it has withstood a concentrated energy axle from <Metatron> and a gatling avalanche of bullets from Kurumi before dissipating. She can besides freely alter her disguise to appear in the form of Rinne Sonogami. She has also shown to be able to alter people's memories, the Spirit's common ability of flying, and can seemingly read people's thoughts.

<Phantom> has demonstrated great deductive skills. While fighting Origami, she was able to correctly approximate that Kurumi had used the 12th bullet to transport Origami to the past because she had yet to mitt out Metatron's crystal. Likewise, she was able to deduce that Shido had besides fourth dimension traveled from five years into the future by just looking at his appearance. In Itsuka Disaster, she created an umbrella shaped wall to protect Shido from being killed by <Dainslaif>, and was able to weaken Shido's mana by simply touching him.

Through her adventures in the short story Reine Vacation, Reine has displayed a wide range of miscellaneous skills. Among her diverse abilities, Reine tin can play the violin at a professional person level, act equally a foreign translator, land a imperial shipping, and even conduct medical treatment better than the official medical officer for <Fraxinus>.


  • Light Novel
    • Appearances:
      • Volumes ane-19
      • Appointment A Live Encore 1-8
    • Mention:
      • Volume 20-22


Reine's Quotes

  • (To Kotori Itsuka) "...But, what I want to hear is non that emotional kind of reason.......Information technology'southward troublesome when you play dumb. I won't believe that you don't understand. —What exactly is he?" [2]
  • (To herself) "……Merely, we have to be careful. That Dearest could also be, the emotion that volition destroy the globe." [iii]
  • (To the Spirit girls) "……I dare say that I will never be able to get across him in my centre. He will e'er be my start and last lover." [four]

Phantom's Quotes

  • (To Kotori Itsuka)"——You tin be recognized by your Onii-chan, if you merely simply become stronger."' [5]
  • (To Kurumi Tokisaki) "——You, are surprisingly gentle." [half dozen]
  • (To Miku Izayoi) "Y'all're disappointed of humans. You call up this earth is hopeless. Do you want power? A power big plenty to alter the world?" [7]
  • (To Origami Tobiichi) "Information technology's non important at present regarding what I am. More importantly, what is your answer? Don't you desire power? Don't you want an absolute power that won't lose to anyone?" [8]
  • (To Origami Tobiichi)"……..Fu, sorry, I tin't accept you killing me here.----Even I have a wish I have to realize no affair what" [9]
  • (To Shido Itsuka) "Well…I can't say I didn't look it to come to this. As a few year later y'all are to be loved by moody Spirits, in that location was a possibility that y'all could reach this idea. …Well, I didn't want to think about it, though…" [10]
  • (To the Sealed Spirits) "…From now on is your domain. I wish y'all skillful luck. —Goodbye, my dear children." [xi]


  • The kanji for "zero" (零) can be created with the first kanji of her name (令) plus the second kanji of her surname (雨).
    • In the Kabbalah, Zero stands for the three mysterious forces located above, and said to be the origin of, the Kabbalah's Tree of Life, "En" (Pettiness), "En Sof" (The Infinite), and "Ohr En Sof" (The Infinite Light).
  • Prior to the reveal of Phantom'southward identity, Reine's Phonation Actor, Aya Endo, besides voices Phantom inDate A Live: Rinne Utopia.
  • In the English Dub, Reine's proper noun is pronounced equally 'Reina'.
  • Reine likes sweets and dislikes stimulants. [12]
  • Reine's name was originally planned to exist Tomoka ( とも ? ). [13]


  1. Light Novel Book viii, Affiliate 1
  2. Light Novel Volume 1, Chapter 4
  3. Light Novel Volume ii, Affiliate 3
  4. Light Novel Volume sixteen, Chapter three
  5. Calorie-free Novel Volume 4, Chapter 10
  6. Light Novel Volume four, Epilogue
  7. Lite Novel Volume 7 Chapter 9
  8. Low-cal Novel Book 10, Chapter 3
  9. Light Novel Volume 10, Chapter 4
  10. Light Novel Volume eleven, Affiliate 7
  11. Light Novel Volume 12, Chapter 5
  12. Date A Alive Material
  13. Engagement A Live Material ii, Appointment A Interview


Male person
Shido ItsukaKyouhei KannazukiElliot Baldwin WoodmanKyouji KawagoeMasaomi MikimotoMunechika NakatsugawaTatsuo ItsukaHiroto TonomachiFraser DouglasGillian AlmstedRoland ClaytonJames A. PaddingtonRoger Murdoch
Mana TakamiyaHinako ShiizakiKozue MinowaKaren Nora MathersHaruko ItsukaEllen Mira MathersArtemisia Bong AshcroftJessica BaileyRyouko KusakabeMikie OkamineMildred F. FujimuraCecile O'BrienLeonora SearsAshley SinclairMinerva RiddellTamae OkamineAi YamabukiMai HazakuraMii Fujibakama
Sephira Spirits
Tohka YatogamiYoshino HimekawaKurumi TokisakiKotori ItsukaYamai KazamachiMiku IzayoiNatsumi KyounoOrigami TobiichiNia HonjoMukuro Hoshimiya
Exclusive Spirits
Rinne SonogamiMaria ArusuMarina ArusuRio SonogamiMayuriRen
Other Spirits
Reine MurasameMio TakamiyaTohka Yatogami (Parallel Earth)
Doll MainRinemu KirariMizuha BanouinMaya YukishiroAriadne FoxrotHaraka KagarikeOka MiyafujiYuri SagakureKareha BanouinMenu À JouerRetsumi Jugasaki
Other Quasi-Spirits
Hibiki HigoromoTsuanAiai NogiAyame TakeshitaYui SagakureIsami HijikataSheri MusikaFurue TonamiYue HiryuMayuka Momozono
Asgard Electronics
Elliot Baldwin WoodmanKaren Nora MathersTatsuo ItsukaHaruko Itsuka
Elliot Baldwin WoodmanKaren Nora MathersFraser DouglasRoland ClaytonGillian Almsted
Fraxinus Bridge Members
Kotori ItsukaReine MurasameKyouhei KannazukiKyouji KawagoeMasaomi MikimotoHinako ShiizakiMunechika NakatsugawaKozue MinowaMana TakamiyaMARIA
Deus Ex Machina Industries
Sir Isaac Ray Pelham WestcottEllen Mira MathersArtemisia Bell AshcroftNibelcole
James A. PaddingtonRoger Murdoch
Elliot Baldwin WoodmanKaren Nora MathersMana TakamiyaOrigami Tobiichi
Jessica BaileyMinerva Riddell • Edgar F. Carroll
Anti Spirit Squad
Ryouko KusakabeMikie OkamineMildred F. Fujimura • Tomonara • Kagaya
Kyouhei KannazukiOrigami Tobiichi
Special Sorcery Service
Cecile O'BrienLeonora SearsAshley Sinclair
Artemisia Bong AshcroftMinerva Riddell
Raizen Loftier School
Tamae OkamineReine Murasame • Chousoka Beshiyouichi
Shido ItsukaTohka YatogamiTobiichi OrigamiKurumi TokisakiYamai KaguyaYamai YuzuruHiroto TonomachiAi YamabukiMai HazakuraMii Fujibakama

Date a Live Season 3 Ep 1 Kiss-anime




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